Questions are randomly selected from the question bank, according to the properties specified in the Generate Paper Panel. At any point in time, you may choose to manually check the questions that you wish to include or exclude in the test paper - a utility that comes most handy while dealing with newly added questions and to facilitate easy switching from an old syllabus to a new syllabus.
The test management software allows you to create and store any number of question banks in the library for later use. You can define your test using the Blue Print Panel, which allows you to set test parameters, such as the subjects and chapters to be included in the test and the number of questions to choose from the questions currently available in the Question Bank.
The test generator software ensures balanced usage of questions, by targeting the least used questions each time it shuffles and selects questions from the question bank. That way you can avoid too much repetition of questions.
Each test paper you generate using the Random Selection utility will be unique in both terms - the selection of questions and the order of questions.
Approximately a hundred variations can be obtained for every question paper you generate using the shuffler utility.
Questions from other subjects are never picked up by the selection utility at any given point of time.
The answer keys are always associated with their respective questions, and they never get mixed up during the shuffling process.
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