OMR Software Features
OMR & IT Solutions
Certified ISO 27001 & 9001

OMR Software Features

OMR software  solutions are used by professionals across many fields, for collecting data off scanned OMR forms and sheets and processing that data to generate statistical reports. Several limitations posed by the OMR scanning machines are easily solved by the software, not to leave unconsidered the increased speed of processing, easy and cost-efficient deployment and maintenance, and 100% accuracy in the results generated.

The most basic features of the OMR software include a Designer Module and the Reader Module, and an aligner module that automatically corrects tilted scans and brings skewed images into alignment before collecting and correlating the data. The OMR software solution allows the user to perform several essential tasks conveniently and cost-effectively.

Design OMR Forms and Sheets

In addition to the  OMR sample  templates that you get in the standard as well as advanced versions, the OMR software features a designer module that lets you design your own OMR forms and sheets right from the scratch and save them for later use. You can also manually edit and reposition the components of a default template to adjust the layout according to your requirements.

With the OMR Sheet Checker, you can design your MCQ based OMR answer sheets with great ease. Simply use the utility provided to define the test parameters like the no. of questions, sections etc; import your institute or your firm logo; alter the test fields and components; and they’re ready to be printed onto plain papers and distributed for usage.

Print OMR Sheets

With the Addmen OMR software, printing the sheets becomes easy and less expensive too. You do not need a special printer for printing the sheets; instead you can do the printing using laser printers, inkjet printers, rezographs, photocopier machines and offset printers. The regular printing sheets (60-80 GSM) have to be used. The software also makes it possible to print barcode and OCR sheet numbers.

Scan OMR Sheets

OMR sheets are read by the Addmen OMR software after they are scanned. Hence, any type of scanner can be used for this purpose. Also, there is no need to have any compatibility between the OMR software and the computer to which the sheets are scanned. The software is so versatile that it can read both single sided and duplex OMR sheets. You can scan the sheets in TIFF/BMP mode at 100-200 DPI, color and greyscale models. During a single scanning, the OMR software can read data (OMR, OCR and barcode) as well as image.

Collect Data from Scanned OMR Forms and Sheets

MCQ OMR Test Management Features

The  OMR Answer Sheet Checker software  comes with smart features that enable seamless and accurate evaluation of aptitude tests based on MCQ pattern. The software recognizes decimal marking system, and it allows you to set parameters for bonus and negative scoring as well as cut off marks too. Apart from multiple choice questions, true or false, fill in the blanks and other such questions, the software also has the ability to evaluate psychometric OMR test sheets.

Data read and collected from the scanned OMR sheets can be exported into Excel, XML, CSV, or SQL formats and uploaded onto a central server location for processing. Unlike the OMR form reader, the answer sheet checker does not read image objects like photo, candidate signature etc, since such data is irrelevant for statistical analysis. However, it does prompt when there are mistakes on the sheet like blank ID, wrong test paper set, invalid ID, etc.

MCQ Test Result/OMR Test Result Outputs

Results processed are 100% accurate, and the analytical reports generated at the server end are then uploaded back onto the user terminals for download and viewing. Different kinds of reports can be generated, some of which include mark lists, tabular reports, etc. Graphical reports (bar diagrams, pie charts and line graphs) of the students' marks according to subject, topic, etc. can also be generated. Graphical comparison results can also be generated. The reports generated by the software can be printed or even uploaded online. There is also an inbuilt provision of sending the reports via SMS.

OMR Software Version 14 – Newly Added Features

The Addmen OMR software is updated every year which is why it is the best OMR software in the market today. Here are some of the updates that you would find in the newest (14th) version:

Accuracy of OMR Results

The Addmen OMR software presents 100% accurate results under any circumstances. Even if the scanned sheets are tilted or skewed, the software automatically straightens them and reads the sheets accurately. In case of severely tilted sheets, it sends alerts. Apart from this, the accuracy of the results is not affected by the thickness or color of the sheets.

Speed of OMR Software

The OMR software processes the sheets quickly. On a computer with good configuration, the software can read three sheets in one second and on an average computer, the speed is one sheet for one second. The results are also calculated at the same time and hence extra time is not required to make the mark lists and report cards.

User Friendly

This software is quite user friendly; you do not need any special skills or training for operating it. With just four steps you can operate the Addmen OMR answer sheet checker software while only two simple steps are needed for the Addmen OMR form reader software. The process of designing, printing and scanning the sheets has also become easy as well as economical with this software.

Training and Support

Addmen provides all the needed training and technical support to operate the software efficiently. For new users, we provide 15-20 minutes of one-to-one online training. We are open to conducting this training session as many times as you want. Other than this, we also provide user guides and training videos. We also have a strong technical support staff for each module and a dedicated online helpline for those who have doubts and problems related to the operation of this software.

Technical and PC Requirements

You would need to have a computer with any of the latest configurations and version of Windows (Vista, XP, 7 & 8) to make sure that the software runs efficiently. Also, there is no need to install the scanner and software on the same PC. These processes can be done separately.

Other Salient Features

Besides the OMR software features mentioned above, other notable features and customizations include:

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