OMR software can easily generate reports and mark lists. Computerized mark lists can be obtained just after the scores are generated. Scores of all the students are shown together as part of one report, so they can be put up for viewing.
The OMR software can generate a wide range of mark lists, as per your requirement, for displaying the scores of the students against their name, roll no., rank, etc.
Other details like percentage, rank as per the group/batch etc, can also be obtained.
The scores of almost 25-50 students can be fit into one mark list.
Most basic type of mark list; contains only the total score of the candidate.
Used for determining the eligibility of a candidate on the basis of just the total scores.
The test may originally contain several sections or papers, but only the final score is displayed on this mark list
Contains section-wise scores of each student, along with the total scores against their names.
Used for assessing the candidate’s performance in each section of the test, individually.
Scores that are above the cut-off marks per section are marked in blue, and the scores that are lower than the cut-off marks are highlighted in red, so it is easy to identify and grade the students according to the scores they obtained.
Contains section wise scores, as well as consolidated scores.
Also contains detailed additional information like the no. of questions attempted, no. of correct answers, and no. of incorrect answers etc.
All these elements are shown in separate columns in the mark list.
Contains the scores of all the test papers as part of one cumulative exam.
These mark lists contain more than one column for each student.
Features separate rows for each test paper score and another column to display the cumulative scores.
Sometimes, they only have one column per student for displaying the grand total of all the tests conducted.
About OMR Sheets
OMR Design & Print
OMR Sheet Scanning
OMR Reading & Checking
Result & Output