How would you track the performance of your product or service in the market or among the consumers? By their feedback or rating based on the questions asked. This can be found out by using a customer satisfaction questionnaire sample from Addmen’s survey tool software. Our satisfaction survey form templates contain commonly asked questions for answering your general queries oncustomer experience.But you can design your own customer satisfaction questionnaire sample with your own set of questions.Such customer service survey form template can help you create questionnaires to gauge essential areas like wants, needs, popularity of product, frequency of purchase, etc. in a FMCG market.
In a service industry, a customer’s feedback is very essential for bringing about improvements in the quality standards. After providing the service to the customers, you can hand over questionnaire forms to fill. These forms can be scanned and processed in bulk using OMR form reader to get customer feedbacks all at once.You can check out our the free sample survey questionnaires on our website used by lot of companies from the service industry and FMCG.