Student Feedback Form
OMR & IT Solutions
Certified ISO 27001 & 9001

OMR Based Student Feedback Form Used for Faculty Feedback in College

The reputation of the college is known by the quality of education it provides. This makes it important for colleges to improve and maintain their high quality. Apart from providing a good syllabus or curriculum, the teaching quality of the faculty is also an important factor. While the quality of teaching can be judged by the marks received by the students to some extent, the best way to do it is by taking feedback from the students.

Most colleges take feedback about their faculty from the students, by using OMR forms. OMR based student feedback forms used for faculty feedback in college can be read by the OMR form reader software. This software selects the data received from each sheet and transfers it into an Excel sheet along with the name or roll no. of the student (whatever is asked for in the OMR sheet). You can take a look at the OMR based student feedback form sample on this page.

Once this feedback form is reviewed, necessary steps can be taken to improve the teaching techniques and overall quality of education.

Student Feedback Form

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